
Kiwanis Scholarships

Westlake Kiwanis offers Westlake High School senior students $1000 Kiwanis scholarships to assist them as they move on to the next phase of their academic careers. These academic careers may include attending an accredited university, college, or vocational / trade school after graduation from high school. Scholarship applicants may not be related to a member of Westlake Kiwanis.

Westlake Kiwanis Scholarship

Application Process

Think you would be a good fit for our Westlake Kiwanis scholarships? Get started by following the steps explained below:

Apply using our Kiwanis scholarship application form

During March, potential applicants may pick-up their scholarship application from Westlake High School’s guidance department or download the application form on our website.

Submit completed application form

Scholarship applications are due by April, where applications should be dropped off at Westlake High School’s guidance department.

Applications are reviewed

A scholarship committee within Westlake Kiwanis will then review each application using the criteria below:
1. Scholarship (3.0 GPA and above)
2. Community service (May be part of 60 Hours required for graduation)
3. School activity involvement
4. Financial Need

Recipients are selection and presented with their checks

After the committee does a review, a recommendation on prospective scholarship winners will be made to the Westlake Kiwanis board. Upon board approval, Westlake Kiwanis will reach out to applicants to notify on their award of the $1000 scholarship. After being notified, scholarship winners are invited to attend a club meeting as our guest where the scholarship checks are given.

Get Started on Your Kiwanis Scholarship Application Today

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