This is Westlake Kiwanis.
The Westlake Kiwanis Organization is part of the global Kiwanis family dedicated to serving the local community through various service projects, events and activities. At our core, we want children to thrive, learn, grow, succeed, and play curiously.

in 1950
Our History
A group of Westlake businessmen and community leaders met one June night. They had just finished putting on their annual comedy stage show for the Westlake Civic Club to help raise funds for a project everyone was backing. The question came up, “what more could they do to assist the needs of their fast growing community of some 9,000 residents. The Westlake Mayor and other prominent men in the community had at one time or another visited clubs in other communities in the area and decided to look into forming such a group in Westlake. A petition was submitted to Kiwanis International for chartering on June 27, 1950.
The Kiwanis Club became a leading force in Westlake supporting school activities and community assistance programs. All programs and projects are made possible through the Westlake Kiwanis Club’s various fund-raisers that Westlake citizens enjoy and its club members support with their time and talent.
Kiwanis International
Serving the children of the world
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.
- To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life.
- To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
- To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business and professional standards.
- To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship.
- To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build better communities.
- To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and goodwill.
Kids Need Kiwanis
Kiwanis Clubs seek to make the world a better place by focusing on improving the lives of children. The efforts of Kiwanis are beneficial for several reasons:
Investing in the future
Rather than taking a reactive approach, organizations that help children are inherently proactive. By improving the health and well-being of children and their communities, we create global citizens who are better equipped for success.
Providing a unifying goal
Most everyone can agree that children deserve to live safe, happy, comfortable lives. Organizations that serve children provide an opportunity to put aside our differences and unite behind a common cause — one that will benefit all of us.
Strengthening community by setting an example
Volunteering and giving has a positive impact on your health and well-being. Doing so also sets an example for other people in your life — such as your own children — increasing the odds that they will give back to their communities too.